Golden chemistry between clients
Golden chemistry between clients,
goldsmiths and Sieraad Art Fair.
By: Esther Doornbusch
Every year jewellery designers and goldsmiths Mirjam Jakubowski (1958) and René Vlasblom (1955) are present at Sieraad Art Fair: they have been participants from day One. Regular visitors of the fair recognize Mirjam by her wild, red curls and René by his unusual shirts. The two of them make their own, individual work and work together under the labels Casjèh and Mayestic Muse. Both brands are a guarantee for unusual, yet very wearable rings. The two goldsmiths also create jewellery together commissioned by private individuals. They share a studio in Culemborg and their new shop with adjoining studio will shortly open in the heart of the friendly, historical town of Buren.
Liliën Macnack and Diana Tempelman are two friends who asked Mirjam Jakubowski and René Vlasbom to convert their inherited family jewels and some of their own jewellery that they had grown tired of into new pieces. Below follows their personal account of the creation of a number of unique pieces of jewellery.
During their visit to Sieraad Art Fair in 2018 Liliën and Diana met Mirjam and René. It was a pleasant encounter and they subsequently visited the jewellery designers in their studio in Culemborg. Here they discussed the origin of and their attachment to the old jewellery, as well as their wishes and preferences regarding the jewellery they wished to have made. After a few sessions of evaluation and discussion, creative ping pong, as Tempelman calls it, the new pieces of jewellery were ready. Traditional heirlooms had been transformed into spectacular, but very wearable contemporary jewellery. The old pieces have been given a new life, are once again worn and their history is still visible – an exceptional project. During the design process the contact between client and contractor was not only important, but also highly enjoyable. This is how Tempelman describes it: I felt invited to be part of the creative process and to participate in the evolution of the new piece of jewellery.
At the beginning of 2019 Jakubowski and Vlasblom made two new rings for Liliën Macnack using inherited family gold, both inspired by models of the Mayestic Muse label. However, the robust rings were each given a character entirely their own and perfectly complement the wearer’s personal and elegant style. Diana Tempelman asked for a newly created ring, made from her family gold, which includes the charms her mother wore every day on a bracelet in which her name as well as that of her deceased brother Paul were engraved. Initially the charms were to be melted down so the gold could be used again, but Diana was pleasantly surprised to find the details back in an entirely new setting. This ring with the charms, especially made for Tempelman, is fitted with an enormous round facet cut citrine, which had been lying around for years in the studio of Vlasblom and Jakubowski. They felt that for this commission they had found the right spot for this unique stone. Tempelman relates how the design process of this ring has helped her to come to terms with her emotions relating to her (deceased) family. The ‘daughter-son’ charm bracelet had become a ‘sister-brother’ ring.
Just as the personal contact with clients is important for Mirjam Jakubowski and René Vlasblom, so too do they cherish their relationship with Sieraad Art Fair. This year will be their seventeeth time at Sieraad and over the years they have seen the fair blossom.
Not only is the fair a good platform to sell jewellery, its main importance lies in getting into contact with potential customers and clients. It may take some people several years to decide on the purchase of a piece of jewellery or to make up their mind about having existing jewellery remade. There is nothing strange about this – it takes time to build up a relationship and to come to trust one another. Moreover, jewellery is very personal and it is not something you buy every day.

Jakubowski & Vlasblom en hun opdrachtgevers
fotograaf: Coert Peter Krabbe
materiaal: nvt

Jakubowski & Vlasblom
foto: Erwin Maes
materiaal: 18 karaat geelgoud en 2 karaat diamant

Jakubowski & Vlasblom
foto: Erwin Maes
materiaal: 14 karaat geelgoud/ Tahiti parel

Jakubowski & Vlasblom
met schrijfster
Esther Doornbusch
It is not just consumers, but also curators of museums and collectors that find their way to SIERAAD ART FAIR.
SIERAAD Art Fair is organized by: EMB&B Art Events