LijnRecht – Sieraadobjecten van Cees Post

14 March 2022

LijnRecht – Sieraadobjecten van Cees Post​

CODA Museum | 13.03 to 12.06.2022 |

To me, a square is both an anchor and a challenge in my search for beauty. The square is my mental frame.
Cees Post

A frugally furnished and tidy studio where all the materials and tools are neatly arranged, a coloured label stuck on each pair of cutters so that the artist will always reach for the right one. Bright daylight enters the studio through the dormer window, falling in straight lines on the gas burner and silver. In Cees Post’s jewellery, austere lines and simplicity of composition are the key elements. The optical effects of his line patterns, executed in light and dark, result in exciting reflections and frames in which magical black windows continuously appear. He calls his works ‘object jewellery’. They are small autonomous visual artworks, both when worn and when exhibited in a display case.

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