Frankly we are not in the business of scaremongering, but after the large-scale sexual assault in Cologne at New Year’s Eve, it doesn’t hurt to think about your personal safety… Which doesn’t include pepper spray and a penknife in your purse if you’re going to a festival or a night out.
WiseWear launched a collection concealing advanced digital technology inside luxurious jewellery, featuring Iris Apfel, legendary style-icon. Bracelets are provided with the usual digital functionalities (like an activity tracker). The differentiating feature is the bracelet’s distress messaging.
Tapping the front of the bracelet in a customized touch pattern sends the wearer’s location and a text message to a pre-loaded list of emergency contacts.
A really clever solution when it comes to accidents, crashes, threatening circumstances and other emergencies. Exactly the kind of situations you don’t go grabbing around your purse hoping to find your smartphone real quick.
The bracelets are plated in gold or palladium, with antimicrobial and hypo-allergic properties. The only requirement is a Bluetooth connection with your smart-phone.
Personal safety is an urgent issue, no matter how old or young you are. There must be more jewellery-designers out there looking in to this…Keep us posted!
text: Isabella van den Bos.