Voor Vladislav Ozhegov zijn de grassprietjes die door de sneeuw heen groeien, een krachtig en hoopvol symbool. Deze inspiratie kreeg vorm in de broche ‘There will be spring‘. In Vladislavs woorden:
For even in the darkest of days,
When winter’s grip seems set to stay,
There is a power, deep and true,
That stirs within us, waiting to renew.
And like the sprouts, we too can find,
The strenght to push through, leave behind,
The darkness, the pain, the cold,
And embrace the warmth of a new day, bold.
For Vladislav Ozhegov, grass sprouts growing through the snow are a powerful and hopeful symbol. This inspiration took shape in the ‘There will be spring’ brooch. In Vladislav’s words:
For even in the darkest of days,
When winter’s grip seems set to stay,
There is a power, deep and true,
That stirs within us, waiting to renew.
And like the sprouts, we too can find,
The strenght to push through, leave behind,
The darkness, the pain, the cold,
And embrace the warmth of a new day, bold.