by Astrid Berens | Apr 5, 2022 | Geen categorie
Korea is hot If there is one country in the spotlight, it is Korea. Pop music, ceramics, design and jewellery are all equally hot. The group of six well-known Korean contemporary jewellery designers, Secon Lab, is no exception. Half of the group bases their work on...
by Astrid Berens | Mar 14, 2022 | Geen categorie
LijnRecht – Sieraadobjecten van Cees Post CODA Museum | 13.03 to 12.06.2022 | To me, a square is both an anchor and a challenge in my search for beauty. The square is my mental frame. Cees Post A...
by WP3DW | Feb 8, 2022 | Geen categorie
ROBERT SMIT – CRAVING THE ESSENTIALS Jewellery and fine art CODA Museum | 16.01 to 24.04.2022 | With the exhibition Craving the Essentials, staged from 16 January to 24 April 2022, CODA presents an overview of the rich and varied...
by WP3DW | Mar 29, 2021 | Geen categorie
by Eline van der Laag MOYA A Legacy of Love: Last year a customer lost her father and three weeks later her mother passed away due to lovesickness, a great loss. At Algordanza in Switzerland, she had two memorial diamonds made, made exclusively from the carbon...
by Astrid Berens | Oct 18, 2020 | Geen categorie
Normally speaking, we would have been quite busy in this period tying up loose ends for SIERAAD. In view of the current circumstances this time has now been spent to update the SIERAAD website and in doing so create an impetus for SIERAAD 2021 at the same time....
by WP3DW | Feb 3, 2020 | Geen categorie
Last year jewellery expert Marjan Unger passed away. Where there was jewellery, there was Marjan and she also left many a footprint on the floor of SIERAAD Art Fair. This year, in the central exhibition, in the heart of the fair, several well-known jewellery designers...